Tuesday, February 23, 2010

R U Still in 2 It?

After a perfectly stellar weekend, weather-wise, it's back to grayness. I guess that old groundhog knew a thing or two.

I had some stellar passing times this weekend, in a revealing muscle tee with minimal binding, no less. I went to order new contacts at the mall wearing tight american apparel jeans, my floral print docs, and my Harley-Davidson Muscle tee with James Dean's face on it. As I said, stellar weather outside left me scantily clad and wicked femme. And I was "sirred" by the salesperson! How about that?

Recording is coming along slowly. I think I need some time (or some extra takes, at least) to get used to where my voice is. I haven't quite dropped down so much that I can sing my old songs an octave down, but I can't quite hit the high notes on the old versions any more. Bring out the capo and make due, I guess.

Also, um, Mogwai? Still a great band.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh, gosh, really?

Nothing big lately, just a steady increase of mannishness, in the standard uberfem way. The neckbeard part of my beard--that is, the part that that would look especially terrible if I neglected it--is coming in with terrific force. Otherwise, still fairly babyfaced. So, unless I want to look like a teenage metalhead virgin, shaving it is.

My voice is getting pretty relatively deep, I think. It's hard for me to gauge sometimes. I'm going to start recording the new Pegasissy album this week, so I think I'll get a better sense of where my voice is when I hear it compared to it's former version. Needless to say, I can no longer sing the Roy Orbison song "Crying" like I used to.

I still am not actively passing too much, I think. Yesterday a giant Rastafarian street person stopped by CALC insisting that he was a member and stating that he was looking for lost relatives "in the philosophical sense." He asked my name, and when I said Russell, he said, "But that is man name! What is your woman name!?" I just said it was my name, and that I had to get back to my lunch.

I'm certainly a teenage boy in a lot of ways these days. My emotional responses to situations are different, and I half don't know what to do with them. I am more likely to get "pissed off", which is to say likely at all. At the same time, I realize that I'm being angry and short[-tempered], and usually calm or apologize myself out of it pretty well. Plus, I'm finally figuring out what I want to do when I grow up. For the past few months I've been leaning toward faggy high school English teacher, though as of last night, I think it will have to coincide or even be superseded by bartender. I had a realization that I should really stop worrying about having a respectable career that helps the future of tomorrow when all I want to do is stay out late and make drinks.

If anyone reading this is in the mood for a counselor, trans-related or not, I just want to give another resounding shout out to Jordan Junechul Shin. She is hilarious and pure awesome.